bitumen 50/70


Bitumen penetration grade 50/70 is a standard penetration grade bitumen usually used as a paving grade bitumen for roadworks and also used to manufacture hot-mix asphalt. Our penetration grade bitumen is a petroleum grade bitumen, manufactured from fractional/vacuum distillation of crude oil. The grades of our bitumen are specified by the penetration and softening point test. The term 50/70 are actually its penetration range at 25°C (from 50 to 70 mm/10). Our penetration grade bitumens have a thermoplastic property which causes the material to soften at high temperatures and to harden at lower temperatures. This unique temperature and viscosity relationship is important when determining the performance parameters such as adhesion, rheology, application temperatures and durability.


Bitumen 50/70 is suitable for road construction and repairs. It is also used in the manufacture of hot mix asphalt for bases and wearing courses. Bitumen Kian’s bitumen 50/70 is fully qualified and guaranteed through the expertise of our international inspectors to ensure the quality meets the industry standards. Bitumen Kian’s bitumen is guaranteed to meet the international standard of European Standard DIN EN 12591:99 as well as the ASTM standard.


Softening point and penetration of bitumen 50/70: Penetration grade bitumen supplied by ATDM is pure petroleum grade bitumen, manufactured from vacuum bottom by passing hot air. The bitumen supplied by ATDM is produced from remain of crude oil after cracking and removing hydrocarbon. Penetration grade bitumen 50/70 has penetration between 50~70 desi-millimeter and softening point between 46 ~ 54C. The penetration grade bitumen 50/70 has a thermoplastic property which is like as synthetic resin material which gets softer with heating and hardens when cooled. This grade of bitumen 50/70 has very strong viscosity compare to other grades.
Guaranty/warranty of bitumen 50/70: ATDM guaranty the quality of bitumen 50/70 with arrangement of international inspector to check quality and quantity of the bitumen during the loading to vessel and controlling the production by QC by batch test report before shipping. ATDM guaranty the quality to meet with ASTM/EN 12591


SpecificationUnitTest methodBitumen 50/70
- kg/cm³ ASTM D70 Specific gravity @ 25°C
50-70 mm/10 ASTM D5 Penetration @ 25°C, 100 gm, 5 Sec
46-54 ASTM D36 Softening point, ring & Ball
- cm ASTM D113 Ductility @25°C, afther TFOT
- wt % ASTM D6 Loss on heating
- % ASTM D5 & D6 Drop in penetration after heating
230 min ASTM D92 Flash point Cleveland open cuo
99 max wt % ASTM D4 Solubility in CS2
- wt % ASTM D4 Organic Matter Insoluble in CS2
- - AASHOT 102 Spot test